Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

I haven't done a good job of shooting photos through the Christmas get-togethers, but here are a few.

Elvis ... patiently waiting for things to get back to "normal".

Ike ... taking full advantage of the fireplace.

This is bitter-sweet for me because I miss Little. I'm very happy that Ike enjoys the fireplace, but when I see him roasting himself by the fire I always think about my sweet Little Cat.

Never before seen together ... the FIVE Brewer grandchildren!

Luke trying out his new clubs ... putting into a shoe box and wearing his new Yankees cap.

Zach practicing the perfect bag carry technique.

When Zach opened his clubs, he was thrilled and after looking at them and thinking for a minute, he said "if only we had one of those rags to wipe the sweat off". Of course, Jerry had some extra "bag towels" in the garage so he took care of that.

Later, as Zach had been watching Luke with his new baseball cap, he said "if ONLY I had a golf cap ... ". We were cracking up! Jerry found an adjustable cap from The Masters and managed to make it fit.

It's hard to believe another Christmas has come and gone.

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