Saturday, July 24, 2010

Vacation in Galveston

I'm a little late in posting, since work took over last week, but we had a great time in Galveston with the Dallas Brewers. Here's Luke practicing his diving technique at the GCC pool ...

Good one!

Another good effort ...


Zach executing one of his signature moves ...


Identified the "mystery bird" that comes each night to perch on the top of the sailboat mast at the marina. It's an Osprey ... local bird of prey. This is a horrible photo, but I did manage to catch him in a position to see more of his body.

We were invaded by pirates ...

... saw man-o-war in Lake Como

Check out those long tentacles ... YIKES!

Jerry and Jason played golf at the former MUNI course - now known as Moody Gardens. Beautiful course, but the mosquitoes were horrible and we had several downpours during the round. This is a nice shot with a view of the new causeway in the far background.

Jerry on the tee box.

Jason teeing off on another hole.

These cute bunny rabbits were all around.

It stormed ...

... and we had beautiful sunsets.

Denny took advantage of his time at the beach ... who doesn't have a cat on their nightstand?

Elvis with his "summer do" out on the balcony.

Ike chilling out in his bedroom chair.

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