Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Happy Birday, GrrraNan"

... well, that's how Brady says it anyway!

After my July 11th Kelsey-Seybold event, Jerry and I packed up the cats (all 4) and headed for the bay. With Jason, Melissa, Luke & Zack in Galveston for their second week of vacation we had hoped to get in some "grand-kid time"! As it turned out, the Dallas crew had guests for most of the week and I worked a lot. I did take some time to enjoy my birthday with Jerry, Jeff & Brady at the Country Club.

Sun's coming up over West Bay ~ it's going to be a beautiful day!

Brady trying a pool-side Pina Colada ... VIRGIN Pina Colada for those of you headed for the phone to call CPS!
Brady likes to "get you" and play "ticka, ticka" when bare feet are within reach.
It's always best to practice your yoga "tree pose" before jumping into the pool!
Fun with Grandpa ...

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