Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy GRAND-Father's Day!

We had a BIG Father's Day babysitting Brady. We started out with a game of ball with Ike.

And then we moved on to a nice play area at Memorial Park ... lots of fun on the swings, but the sliding/activity area was WAY more interesting!
Walking the plank with Grandpa.
Walking the flexible/moving bridge alone!
Grandpa's fun!
Since we still had energy, we went to the Houstonian pool for a little R&R. Boys will be boys ... pouring water on each other.
After swimming & lunch, it was time for a 2 hour nap. Then Brady and Grandpa had snacks.
Riding home ... kicking back, feet on the seat, milk to go ...

1 comment:

  1. Brady had a great time with you guys!!! He can't wait to come back!!
