Monday, June 11, 2012

Boy's Night Out - West Falmouth

More accurately, the heading should read NIGHTS out ...

Once again this summer, Jerry had an opportunity to spend a few days in the Boston/West Falmouth area with colleagues and clients. They headed out on June 7th and returned June 10th. Here's a shot of the boys in the Boston airport ...

Upon arrival in W. Falmouth, there was a storm

Quickly turning to sunny skies with a rainbow, just before sunset

It's not often that you get to see both ends of a rainbow, but Jerry managed to capture the full arch.

A dramatic sunset view from their cottage.

Strategic meeting in the living room ...

... followed by breakfast at the local deli, where they have breakfast and/or lunch each day

Every year, the group rides bikes or walks to the ferry landing to take a ride over to Cape Cod

Approaching Cape Cod ...

Lobsters were had by all at the Seafood Shanty!

The highlight of the trip is always taking in a Boston Red Socks game and this year they celebrated the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park

Fenway Hot Dogs!

Out on the town after the game ...

The timing is never good, but it was very hard on Jerry to be away with Ike so ill and not knowing for sure that he would even be here when he got back. Sunday morning, before their return flight, Jerry took a long walk along the shore line and spent some time alone thinking about his "Ike-amundo" and what lay ahead.

I felt terrible having to deliver bad news at every phone call, but Ike knew Jerry was concerned about him.

Please disregard the photographer's feet in this shot - I just didn't have the energy to PhotoShop them out!

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