Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thinking about Thanksgiving ... and Clients

I've done a great deal of "event work" this summer and fall and I'm grateful to have the skills, the contacts and especially to receive the opportunities to shift the focus of my business as the economy forced a number of clients away from traditional advertising.

I'm also grateful that we've completed our final Teddy Bear Clinic for 2009 and it was great fun for all who attended. This is Dr. Brown, a family medicine doc at the Kelsey-Seybold Clear Lake Clinic. Obviously, Dr. Brown is a good sport!

These are two members of the Wellness team who always staff my events. They are GREAT! The kids love them and they know their stuff!

Although this isn't a compelling photo, I had to include it because I am SO grateful for how this event turned out and the revenue generated for my not-for-profit client under challenging circumstances. Enough said.

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