Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nature's Own Fireworks

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July ~ here's an image captured tonight from the newly replaced "Brewer Bay Cam". Like so many things, Bay Cam #1 fell victim to Hurricane Ike.

This was another WORK WEEKEND in Galveston, but things are dramatically improved. I am not exaggerating when I say that I cleaned, scrubbed, scraped, polished, vacuumed, moved furniture and re-hung art from 2pm Friday until 1pm today without stopping. Juan and his band of El Salvadorian workers have finally finished the inside repairs and I can't even begin to describe the mess.

Sheetrock repairs to walls and ceilings, replacing ceilings, painting, replacing wet/rusted electrical outlets, installing bathroom vents, replacing kitchen countertops and tile work can make quite a mess. Not to mention our stuff was EVERYWHERE. Without being down there to move things from room to room each day, the workers did it themselves. You can imagine!

Not a very enjoyable weekend, but everything is back in place and the majority of the work was completed to our satisfaction. Jerry will be calling Juan tomorrow about a few things not up to par. The only way to be 100% sure things are done exactly as you want them is to take time off from work and go stay in Galveston regardless of the dust and debris. Lesson learned.

It took me 30 minutes to figure out how to reprogram the TV in the extra bedroom so that the menu and commands are back in ENGLISH. I'm fairly certain that the installation of Jerry's new flat panel in the living room delayed job progress. LOTS of soccer being watched on the big screen!

AND there was a freak mishap last night. After pre-heating the oven to 400 degrees, I opened the door to pop in a pizza and discovered ~ much to my horror ~ that the workers had stored a bag of cheeto-like chips INSIDE THE OVEN. They "exploded" to a surprisingly large size and burst open what was left of the melted bag. If you heard a string of expletives flowing from the direction of Galveston about 8pm last night, I'll confess right now it was me.

Jerry and I both thought they were some kind of sausages until I stuck one of them with a fork and it turned to powder. This took a while to clean up, using tongs and very carefully pulling an entire bag of "cheeto-sausages" one by one out of a 400 degree oven. I guess it goes back to lesson #1 ... don't let anyone into your house when you're not there to watch them. Special thanks to Jerry for scrubbing the melted plastic off my oven rack this morning ~ I was busy vacuuming dust out of the living room furniture and probably would have thrown the #%$^! thing over the balcony.

Seriously, who leaves chips in the oven?

I have lots of photos of the new and improved Brewer Beach Box, but don't have the energy to download them tonight. Check the blog again tomorrow for updates ~ Nan

PS: We have a new, new garage door ~ with a lock ~ but no walls around the outside. I had to laugh when I saw those keys dangling from the lock. This is actually post-Ike garage door #2 ... the first replacement wasn't installed correctly so the Association is having them all replaced again. Not entirely sure why that took priority over EXTERIOR WALLS, but maybe I'm over simplifying things. It's laugh or cry at this point!

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