Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cute Cats

Just a few cute photos of the boys ... hanging out around the house.

Cat Snack!

Chillin' in the Shade

Now that's a big cat!

Beauty shot ...

And taking a nap!

UofH Stadium Tour

We've had UofH football tickets at the original Robertson Stadium for years, but this past season was played at Reliant while the new UofH stadium was under construction.  To prepare season ticket holders for the purchasing process - quite the ordeal - they offered tours since the new stadium is very different than the old one.

3/30/14 - UofH Stadium

They've changed the orientation from north/south to east/west and this provides a view of downtown between the scoreboard and the upper seats on the west end.

Lower Seating, Loge Boxes, Champions Club and Suites

It was fun to see the progress and get an idea of where we wanted to buy our seats.  Also, any excuse to wear a hard hat is a good one.

JB lookin' good in a hard hat and vest!

This is the student beam ... they let students sign the red beam before installing it.  That will be something those students will come back to see for many years to come.

Student Beam

Ticket sales were handled via a lottery where Cougar Pride donors were ranked based on total dollars contributed in the last year.  Then we were issued a password, assigned a 5 minute time slot on a specific day to log in and purchase the best of what was left.  Since we were farther down the list, we didn't get a loge box, but were able to snag some great seats on the lower level in the section where we wanted to be.  This is pretty close to our view ... we're a little closer to the field.

Seats with a View

Let's hope they have a great season - go Coogs!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

At the Zoo

I love sponsorship team at the Houston Zoo - we do several programs with them each year and they always have a fun sponsors breakfast featuring several animals. Last year we saw the elephants painting and this year we saw lots of things!

While we waited for the big event, we could pet these little creatures ...

Small Dragon - he was kind of cute!

This little guy was some type of hedgehog from Madagascar - felt like broom bristles.
The main show was Jonah the sea lion and his companions cruising around their exhibit pond.  Jonah made lots of noise and did lots of tricks, including kissing the Zoo's two major sponsors - it was pretty funny.

Jonah showing off!
After the sea lions were safely tucked away, Kito the cheetah came out with his Anatolian Shepherd, named Taji.  It was interesting about their relationship - they were raised together and are best friends.  Taji the dog protects the cats and keeps them calm and happy.  Apparently, Cheetahs are the "frady cats" of the large cat kingdom and can be very nervous and fussy ... having their own Anatolian Shepherd makes them feel secure.

Taji - Anatolian Shepherd & Kito - Cheetah

Kito & his handlers on their way out of the exhibit.
I REALLY wanted to pet this cat and I was close enough to do it, but they asked us not to touch him.  Taji the dog was wallowing on the ground while we all checked out his thick fur and gave him pats on the head.

It was a fun outing!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cats Relaxing in Galveston

3/22 Kicking back in Galveston!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ice Storm #3

Technically, this was the third ice event, but the second one didn't deliver as advertised!  I thought this one would be a bust too, but mid morning we suddenly had a beautiful accumulation on the tree-tops.

Mary Louise's Magnolia Tree

Oak Coated in Ice

Pine Ice

 I know it's terrible for the plants and really terrible for traffic, but you have to admit that the ice on this pine tree is beautiful!

This cold squirrel ventured out in the freezing rain for breakfast.

And this cold cat ventured out on the balcony to have a look around ...

Elvis, making good use of his beautiful fur!