Sunday, June 23, 2013


Check out this huge jellyfish swimming around Lake Como (back bay) in Galveston

My camera did a good job, but it would be cool to really see into the top of this thing

I like the polka-dot covering!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Blast from the Past

Our cousin, Barbara Hester, finds all sorts of things to post on her FaceBook page and a while back she shared this photo - from the 60's - of the Dairy Queen in Rockdale, TX.  We all have fond memories of our grandmother taking us there and so many places around Texas.  And, the Dairy Queen was a really big deal in Rockdale!

Rockdale, TX - 1960's

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Boys Trip to Boston ... W. Falmouth, Actually

Once again, the guys headed north to enjoy a few days of cool weather and fun times.  Photos from this year's trip are few and far between, but here are a few shots of the area around Dana's home ...

View of the Harbor from the Front Yard

Beautiful View of the House in the Background

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chase Reunion Dinner

It's been six years since this group met for a dinner/reunion and ten since we've worked together. We had a great turn-out and lots of fun catching up ...

Chase Retail Leadership Dinner - Maggiano's - June 6, 2013
Gary Blodgett, Terry Puster, John Raney, John Taphorn, Lex Gillam & Tom Kendall
Larry Hysinger, Beverly Blodgett, Nan Brewer, Milam Johnson, Cathy Nunnally, Shelaghmichael Brown, Alice Rodriguez-Kendall & Bryan McVeigh