Sunday, April 29, 2012

Marching for Babies

Although Team Karsyn & Kaden has diminished from "an army" to a much smaller group, Jerry and I met up with the Pearland Brewers to support the cause. Jeff & Jerry with the "Ks".

Looks like Karsyn is enjoying dancing with Daddy!

Pre-event family photo - turned out great

Brady is ready to march

... and so are Karsyn & Kaden!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Loch Ness Monster ...

or alligator gar?

I was out on the balcony and see THIS ...

It disappears under the water and I'm wondering if I really saw anything at all. Luckily, camera in hand, it came up to the surface and I snapped a better photo. I'm pretty sure it's an alligator gar, but let me know if you think it's something else.

It circled around out there for hours and then we had to leave for Houston. Needless to say, I won't be swimming in Lake Como any time soon!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Camo Cats

The boys have been enjoying the nice weather out on the patio and sometimes you have to look twice to find them ... like a "Where's Waldo" picture.

Yes, there's a cat in that photo. Denny loves to nap in the large queen palm pot.

Blending in with the scenery ...

there's a Velvet Elvis in the shade

And in his favorite spot from the time he arrived here ...

Ike on a shelf

If it's the least bit hot, Elvis wants no part of being outside. Here are my double-decker cats - the redheads are heat seeking missiles!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Batter Up!

We recently had the opportunity to see one of Brady's softball games - he is turning into quite a little athlete. Here is is "warming up" with coaches Grandpa and Jeff.

In the outfield during the game

At bat ...

Leading off at 2nd base ...

Running to 3rd ...

and sliding in at home plate!

And a big Brady smile after the game

Jeff, Kaden & Karsyn - Jeff was holding Karsyn and then Kaden joined in and little sister wasn't thrilled to be sharing Daddy. It was kind of funny.

Kaden's "new thing" is poking you and then smiling and smiling - here he is poking grandpa.

Karsyn leading the cheering section ... YEAH!

Kim, Karsyn & Kaden, Team Brady's cheering squad.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Weekend - NOT in New Orleans

Although we were supposed to be in New Orleans, we had a great time in Galveston. We took Good Friday off and headed south with our little zoo. Friday evening, my friend the osprey stopped by to survey Lake Como from his perch atop the sailboat mast. It was good to see him - I hadn't been to Galveston in 3 months.

Our Velvet Elvis showing Jerry the love!

And a beautiful sunset ...

I love watching the pelicans and caught an interesting shot of this one with his neck stretched out looking down into the water.

... and preening his feathers

One of our hibiscus blooms (before the pruning)

While out on the course, we saw the MetLife blimp

Jerry playing golf

While walking, we saw this huge driftwood tree that was washing up on the beach.

Beautiful sunrise on Easter morning

I didn't take this shot, it was shared by a fan of The Waterman and is beautiful. It was taken at sunset from a boat near the marina with the sun setting behind the pilings - a very appropriate image to celebrate Easter.