Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 30 - Baby Birds with Bonus

Baby bird watch continues and they're looking better, but still bald!

Here's a photo of their home - the nest is inside the ivy in the tall planter. Very good scouting by mother bird, as they are completely protected from the weather and they get the warm sunshine every afternoon.

Four little hatchlings!

Not-so-happy mother bird keeping a close eye on me as I'm carefully watering the ivy from the other side of the nest.

We didn't have a fall group of Doves, but Ms. Dove is back and sitting on her nest. I'll try to catch her away and get a photo of the eggs. Her nest is nicely tucked inside the rain gutter - works great until we have a bad storm.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27 - Baby Birds

Although they're not the prettiest things to look at, I was pleased to see four baby birds hatched out in our nest when we returned home this afternoon. Wonder when they grow feathers?


Earlier this year, we decided to return to the Capitol 10K - its been 10 years since we last ran it. I don't know how many years we ran Capitol 10K and Blue Bell Fun Run, but at least ten years before we slacked off.

Of course, I had to work the ENTIRE way to Austin and for several hours after we arrived, but it was a nice trip and we always enjoy the Four Seasons overlooking town lake. We went for a long, hot, miserable run on Friday afternoon, followed by champagne on the back patio overlooking the lake. If you've never been to this hotel, it has a spectacular "back yard" with a rolling hill down to the running path along the lake.

There's a dock for launching sculling boats and watching the bats depart the Congress Ave bridge at sunset.

They also place chimneas out on the lawn at night to make s'mores.

Sunday morning we headed over to the race, which starts on Congress Avenue near the Hyatt and Embassy Suites. If you're not familiar with this run, it is THE largest run in Texas and attracts runners from all over the state - many from out of state. This year, they had 23,000+ runners - the largest field since 1986. I shot this photo with my iPhone while we were waiting to start.

The course is challenging, because the first 3.5 miles are straight up hill, with some steep drops and climbs thrown in for good measure. You head up Congress Ave towards the Capitol, make your way around it to 15th Street and then out of downtown on Enfield Road. When you cross MoPac, you're at the half way point and it's such a good feeling. The last few miles are slightly down hill, with only a few up hill grades before reaching the Lamar bridge - and back across to the finish line. The following photos are from the Austin American Statesman website and they show the amazing number of runners this year.

Headed up Congress Avenue towards the Capitol ...

This is a cool shot from behind the statue on top of the Capitol - must have been taken later in the race when the crowd had thinned out a bit ...

Wide shot of the race winding through Veterans Drive on the way to Lake Austin Drive ...

Before the race, Jerry had mapped out his exit strategy. Since he wasn't planning to run the entire race, I headed out alone after about the first 1/2 mile. When he reached his "jumping off point", he said he felt pretty good and wanted to forge on, so he walked and ran the whole race. We're both glad we did it - as our waitress kidded us on Friday afternoon, this was a Brewer come back weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Egg Watch Update

March 23 - a crack in the eggs!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is in the Air

After the deep freeze in February, we moved a few plants around and replaced a few that didn't survive the cold snap. One was this ivy that Jerry moved to the tall planter by the front door.

A week or so ago, he mentioned that every morning when he opens the front door to get the newspaper he sees a bird fly out.

So I went to investigate and this is what I found!

I'm trying to check in on the nest every few days, but I don't want to upset the mother bird. I'll try to shoot new photos one day this week.

When I found the nest, I showed the photos to Jerry and he said right after he put the plant out there he noticed all sorts of stuff sticking out between the vines - leaves, plastic, etc. - and he pulled it all out. Guess Ms. Bird had to rebuild her nest between Jerry's housecleaning and the arrival of her eggs.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Velvet Elvis

It's been seven fun filled years!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ike the Chipmunk

Our Ike has been struggling lately with his weak immune system and we've done several rounds of antibiotics, but couldn't knock the infection. After Dr. Rose consulted an FIV specialist, we decided to risk it all and remove his remaining teeth to eliminate the source of the infection and give him a chance to rebound.

It was a long day worrying about him, but he is tough. He came through the surgery (almost 2 hours) with flying colors. When he got home he was dazed and STARVING.

"What happened? I can't see straight and my jaws are swollen."

... "I can't feel my lips!"

Our poor little Ike will be eating prescription food, watered down to a smooth consistency and taking pain meds for a few days. Wish him luck - he's a real trooper!

Remembering Little Cat

To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die. ~ Thomas Campbell

It's hard to believe that one year ago today, my little friend crossed the rainbow bridge. I miss him still and wanted to post a few of my favorite memories.

Little at age 20.

In early 2004, going out for a morning walk with Big.

Snack time with Denny

Snuggling with Elvis

Soaking up sunshine on the back patio

Enjoying the view from the balcony in Galveston

And this is what I miss the most - my three boys eating together in the kitchen

Drinking from his fountain

Enjoying his heated bed

We miss you Little Cat!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Denny

... and Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone!

It's hard to believe that Denny is seven - time does fly.