Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blades of Glory - 2010

Today is Zach's 6th birthday and several years ago the Murphy family started a wonderful tradition of going ice skating to celebrate. Over the past three years they've tested the ice at Discovery Green, Memorial City and this year at The Galleria.

After my pathetic attempt to skate last year, I did not attempt it today. I did shoot a few short video clips of the action and have roughly edited them together with a few still shots. Not sure what's going on with my camera - or quite possibly the photographer - but the stills aren't my best work!

Enjoy the video and if it doesn't show up in the email, visit to view it.

Christmas 2010

I haven't done a good job of shooting photos through the Christmas get-togethers, but here are a few.

Elvis ... patiently waiting for things to get back to "normal".

Ike ... taking full advantage of the fireplace.

This is bitter-sweet for me because I miss Little. I'm very happy that Ike enjoys the fireplace, but when I see him roasting himself by the fire I always think about my sweet Little Cat.

Never before seen together ... the FIVE Brewer grandchildren!

Luke trying out his new clubs ... putting into a shoe box and wearing his new Yankees cap.

Zach practicing the perfect bag carry technique.

When Zach opened his clubs, he was thrilled and after looking at them and thinking for a minute, he said "if only we had one of those rags to wipe the sweat off". Of course, Jerry had some extra "bag towels" in the garage so he took care of that.

Later, as Zach had been watching Luke with his new baseball cap, he said "if ONLY I had a golf cap ... ". We were cracking up! Jerry found an adjustable cap from The Masters and managed to make it fit.

It's hard to believe another Christmas has come and gone.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Back to New York

Most of you know that during my last 6 years at Chase I was in New York once or twice a month and, while there were a few colleagues I'll never miss, I came to appreciate the city. It's interesting to feel completely at home in a place where you've never actually lived, but I spent a lot of time there and have many favorite restaurants and shops. In many ways, New York never changes.

Anyway, my last "real vacation" was Las Vegas in May of 2007 and New York that December - with Hurricane Ike in 2008 and the remodeling project in 2009, we didn't make our annual journey. All of this leads up to how we ended up at the Four Seasons in an executive suite.

My home-away-from-home was always The Palace and once you hit "100 stays", they treat you very well. I had access to the "Chase rate" long after I left the bank, because my name was "in the system". However, it had been two years since our last stay with them, so it seemed a bit of a stretch to get the same deal. Jerry's friend Dirk (of the Houston Four Seasons) came to the rescue and, although expensive, it was a phenomenal hotel experience.

I should be embarrassed to even admit that we stayed in a room like this - much less publish photos - but I am a "hotel snob" so here goes ... this is our corner living room - with Jerry checking his emails.

A comfy sofa with flat panel TV on the back wall.

One side overlooked Park Avenue and the other had a great Manhattan view, including Central Park.

The tall building with the ornate, green roof is the Plaza Hotel and beyond the Plaza is Central Park.

We loved this Penthouse with the all-glass atrium - I think we could adjust to the lifestyle, if only we had an endless supply of money!

Down the hall, our bedroom had a stunning view of the park ...

Back-to-back skyscrapers run up to the edge of the park, then acres and acres of beautiful trails, with restaurants and a zoo and all sorts of things to look at. The west-side features "Strawberry Fields" in honor of John Lenon - just a block from The Dakota where he lived.

The walk-in his & hers closet & dressing room did not have a view, but there was a flat panel TV in the bathroom ... ahhh, how the other half lives!

Thursday night, we met Chase friends, Madeline Levine and James Castillo for dinner at Chin Chin - home of the Grand Marnier Shrimp. After the entire marketing team was "displaced" during the merger, Madeline went to Citi Bank and James to Met Life - he just recently moved to TIAA-CREF.

It was great to see them and catch up on all the gossip!

Walking back from dinner, we passed my old "home" - beautiful tree and decorations outside The Palace.

Friday morning, we stopped by Rockefeller Center to snap a photo of the tree and look at boots at Botticelli. It was beautiful, but the lights don't show up very well in this shot. We had lunch at Nello and shopped till we dropped - it was FREEZING, but no snow. Jerry ran into a friend at Nello - he really does know someone everywhere we go.

Friday night was dinner and a show at Cafe Carlyle. East-end, home-town guy Steve Tyrell took over for Bobby Short at the Carlyle (after his death) and although we've seen Tyrell numerous times, there's something special about Cafe Carlyle. He sounded great and we had a good time.

We were both really sick before we left Houston and being out in the cold hadn't helped us, so the hotel - who had noticed we were sick - had hot tea and chicken soup waiting for us in our room when we returned from the show. It's nice to be taken care of!

Saturday morning, we headed to SoHo for our usual shopping extravaganza, but it was COLD and we were SICK and didn't have the energy for hours and hours of "mixing it up" with the locals. After a few stops, we headed back up-town to rest and enjoy our beautiful room.

We had heard that we should have dinner at L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon - rumor has it that when this chef visits restaurants in France, all the diners spontaneously break into applause. Don't know if that's true, but I will say that these folks take the "food as art" concept to a higher level. I'm not 100% sure what all we ate, but everything was delicious and the staff was very kind to us ... several of these guys knew Dirk and worked with him in Houston or at other 4 Seasons properties.

Jerry's ticket connection had managed to get two tickets to the newest, hottest - not even officially "opened" - play on Broadway ... Spider-Man. Center orchestra seats, on the 12th row, on a Saturday night - can't beat that!

Before I get to the play, I have to mention "the Russian". At certain times of the year, Manhattan is an absolute mad-house and "Super Saturday" is one of those times. Traffic was at a stand-still and after waiting 20 minutes, we still couldn't get a cab. Jerry ended up paying the Russian $50 to get us there on time. Flash-backs of our trip to the airport in Palermo during the taxi-strike come to mind.

He said he was sorry to charge so much, but that he wouldn't be able to get another fare that hour and he GUARANTEED he would get us through the traffic jam to the theatre on time. While talking on his cell to other drivers and negotiating stand-still traffic, he managed to get us to 42nd Street - all while enthusiastically sharing his political views. After immigrating from Russia 19 years earlier he is very concerned about the current direction of our country ... he loved George Bush and had a few hilarious things to say about the 2008 election that I can't write down.

Minutes after sitting down, we notice that Alan Alda is sitting right in front of us - how odd is that? He was with his daughter or grand-daughter (a surprisingly goth-looking girl) and another young couple. He seemed to be enjoying himself.

The play was truly something to see ... Spider-Man and his arch enemies launched themselves from the stage to various "landing pads" in the upper balconies - flying just a few feet over our heads. The set was absolutely amazing and the performance was flawless. There have been a number of serious accidents in early runs and we could see how it might happen - it was an incredible show and you should try to see it if you're in New York any time soon. That said, they added a female spider character that was never mentioned in the movies and that was a bit strange.

Upon returning to our hotel room, the guys from L'Atelier had sent up hand-made chocolates with a clear candy plaque featuring the Spider-Man Playbill cover image. Can't say enough good things about the Four Seasons!

Sunday morning we enjoyed a great breakfast and headed to LaGuardia to wait in a long security line for the flight home. All in all it was a wonderful trip!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Neiman Marcus Window Display

After the parade - and some lunch with hot chocolate and whipped cream - we headed down to see the windows at Neiman Marcus. Each year they do something fun and this year they expanded on their "tunnel" concept.

They have this massive "habitrail" like structure that begins outside and then passes through one of the store windows and continues through the sections, so that family members can walk around the building and watch their kids as they make their way through the tunnels - inside the store windows.

Luke and Zach in one of the connecting bubbles before going into the store window.

Melissa, waving at the boys!

You can't see Luke & Zach with all the reflections, but each window is really fun and since the theme is "space" there are lots of rockets.

Again, poor photography with the reflections, but here is Luke in the "You're a Star" window.

And after shooting down the slide to get back outside, Luke and Zach posed one more time to humor Grandma Nan.

It's a really neat set-up and FREE for the kids to enjoy!

The Neiman Marcus Christmas Parade

... which is now called the Dallas Children's Hospital/Adolphus Holiday Parade - is held the first Saturday of December each year. We've been once before with the Dallas Brewers, but this year we stayed downtown at the Adolphus Hotel.

Friday night, the Adolphus was WILD with children in PJs running everywhere. We never learned what was going on, but we think there was some special pre-parade, hot chocolate extravaganza to make sure the kids were revved up for Saturday morning.

For those of you who have never been to this parade - or even heard of it - let me tell you, it is something else! The streets are lined with THOUSANDS of people. They set up bleachers and people stake out their places starting very early in the morning. It's an interesting study of human behavior ... the innocence of little kids excited about the parade contrasting with a few amazingly rude and pushy adults too lazy to get up and drive downtown before the good spots are taken.

All in all, we had a great time.

Our spectacular parade-watching spot was due to Jerry's willingness to go outside in the COLD at 6:45am to stake out our spot. He was much happier once the boys arrived ... Zach, his elf, Jerry and Luke.

Zach was "walking on air" when he saw that the parade was ready for kick-off!

Here's the group ... waiting.

Dancing girls and floats ...

A queen in a snow globe ...

Countless balloons ...

Iron man ...

Mr. Potato Head ...

A personal favorite ... Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat!

Scooby Doo ...

Batman ...

"Toy Land" ...

A dancing cowboy band ...

Larger than life Radio Flyer red wagon ...

A troop of "rope jumpers", getting lots of exercise.

Storm troopers from Star Wars ... along with many other characters, including Darth Vader!

Spider man ...

This is my favorite photo from the event ... you can see the joy in Zach's eyes. That boy has the Christmas spirit!

Toy soldiers ...

The Grinch ...

Drill teams ...

and of course ... Santa!

There were many, many more floats and characters and balloons - it's a fun parade and a great way to jump start the season!

Dad is 90!

The Sunday after Thanksgiving, Dad turned 90. Since his health is failing, we brought the party to him in the Family Room at Holly Hall. Kent was recovering from his brain biopsy and looked good - just a small area of missing hair and stitches!

Dad, listening to a musical birthday card from Uncle Bozo & Aunt Margie.

His birthday cheesecake.

Getting ready to blow out the candles ...

... and Memphis thought this was great fun!