Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pelican Squadrons & Stingray City

As we were walking along the beach this morning, we saw squadron after squadron of pelicans flying low along the water. There were a lot of them and Jerry and I began to wonder if some of the Louisiana pelicans have moved to Texas to enjoy the clean water and good fishing!

These aren't great photos, but you can see them skimming the water and looking for fish.

Long lines of them - with maybe 10 or 12 pelicans each.

As we started to walk back to the car, we saw an area of chopped up water and lots of fins. As we approached, this is what we saw ...

A large group of stingrays was migrating west along the water's edge.

We've seen them before, but these looked to be a different type of stingray. They were gray with dark tips on their "wings" and were quite large ... more like the ones we saw in Grand Cayman than the small, brown ones that moved by Galveston several years ago.

You can see all the small fins breaking the water in this wide shot. There were at least 50 of them and they were sort of swarming around as they moved down the beach.

You really never know what you're going to see ~ I was happy I had taken my camera!

The Beach

Some interesting changes took place at the beach between Memorial Day and and this weekend. It appears that the GLO took the hurricane damaged house, as it is gone and the tell-tale picket fence - usually indicating the dune line - has been placed back against the "second row" home. It's strange to see the empty space & will be interesting to learn if the owners lost their land or if they'll be able to rebuild.

It's an old wives tale that Mother Nature sends the seaweed to protect the coast, just before she sends the storm. If this is true, we're in for it this hurricane season!

Seaweed was thick and plentiful all along the beach. In most cases, the beaches had been "groomed" with mounds and mounds (6 - 9 feet high) of seaweed pushed back towards the dune line to trap blowing sand and replenish the natural dunes.

You'll see in this photo, as we walked west from Pirates Beach, the "a la natural" section of beach was completely covered.

Here's a lovely shot of some seaweed sporting a huge "tar ball" about as big as a plate. We didn't see any other evidence of "tanker tar".

Here's a close up ... it had a variety of shells - and sand - stuck all over it.

The Sunsets

We had spectacular sunsets this weekend and I managed to capture some great photos without "burning out" the lens.

Friday evening as the sun was setting ...

Zoomed in 24x.

Dropping, dropping ...

Dipping below the horizon ...

Just a peak left ...

For those of you who read the Little Golden Books as children, you'll remember Grandpa Bunny Bunny. It was obvious he had been at work on Saturday. The cloud formations created a spectacular "seagull looking" formation that became more brilliant as the sun went down.

Beach Boys ...

We took off Friday morning for Galveston and had originally planned a "vacation day" to allow the termite inspectors inside the garage and Home Depot to deliver our shiny new washer & dryer, replacing the last of our 20 year old appliances. But, things don't always work out as planned.

Apparently we selected THE HOTTEST new washer & dryer that Whirlpool makes and they are in tremendous demand. Our second strike was that we purchased them during the big sale on Memorial Day weekend, when the dryer suddenly stopped drying, along with everyone else in the City of Galveston. We're termite free, but the appliances have been delayed another week.

It was great to have a "three day weekend" and I have to say that you really feel like you've been away when you can leave on a Friday - before lunch! We had a nice time and the boys did all their favorite things.

Ike loves to lay on the ottoman, at Jerry's feet, and watch TV.

Denny & Elvis are making themselves at home on the bed.

Elvis making a crazy face.

My sweet Denny.

On Saturday evening, Ike and Denny had been out on the balcony while I was reading and when I went to the door this is what I saw ...

He's screaming "OUT! Let me OUT!"

Catching Up!

I'm WAY behind in posting to the blog, but have lots of new photos! Last weekend, Jerry went to Diamond Creek Golf Resort in Banner Elk, NC and while he was away, Mary, Toni, Ray & Memphis came over for a visit and to have some fun in the Houstonian pool.

Here are Mary & Memphis ...

Memphis, Ray & Toni ...

Memphis & Toni, while we waited on lunch.

Ray & Memphis on the slide!

More photos and a video are posted on Enjoy!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun at the Pool

Sunday morning we hit the Houstonian and had lots of fun. First down the water slide is Jerry, since the photographer was out of the water.

Next is Brady ... ALONE on the water slide


There aren't any photos of his daredevil antics because I was in the water to "catch him" as he shot off the end of the slide. Anything he saw the older kids doing he wanted to do ~ and Grandpa let him. Numerous feet-first slides on his stomach, facing backwards. Only one head-first belly slide, as the lifeguard blew his whistle and reminded us "HE CAN'T DO THAT!"

Quite comfortable with the resort lifestyle.

Back to the slide!

Hanging in the deep end (Grandpa is just out of frame).

No, he didn't need a nap. WHAT was I thinking?

If you're reading this in email form (not on the blog), you may have to visit the blog site to view the video clip ... here's a link Have a great week!

Becoming Friends ...

Elvis has been a little lonely since Little passed away and the other day, when Ike was downstairs hanging out with us in my office, they were putting their feet on the mesh door of the car kennel.

Then El was rolling around on the floor trying to get Ike to pay attention to him.


Baby Bonanza!

In case anyone is wondering ... THIS is how parents of twins roll! Of course, Ms. Karsyn is still at TCH, but her carrier will fit right behind Kaden's.

Kaden, chilling out and ready for a visit with his "older sister"!

Jeff and his brood ...

Kim and Kaden ...

Babies everywhere!

Jerry & Ms. Karsyn. You can see her new "reservoir bandage".

Me and Karsyn ... she was actually awake ... waiting waiting waiting on a bottle.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sunsets ...

We had spectacular sunsets in Galveston last weekend, with the sun turning a vibrant, hot pink just before dropping below the horizon.

Ike's Vacation

While the boys were napping inside, Ike enjoyed some time out on the balcony. It was interesting to watch him as he first went outside and looked and looked towards the marina, where he lived before Hurricane Ike permanently linked him to us.

Inside house cats must stay clean!

Ahhhhh ...

Don't know what he was thinking, but I'll bet he was happy to see his old "stomping grounds" from a shaded porch, attached to an air conditioned townhouse!

Look at that sweet "yoda face" and ragged ears.

Just before the long weekend, I had taken Ike to see Dr. Rose and his blood test results on Tuesday weren't good. Unfortunately our little FIV+ cat is showing signs of reaching the "end stage" of his disease and now has a VERY low white blood cell count. Monday he'll have his remaining two teeth cleaned, as avoiding infection or exposure to disease is critical for him. She'll do another blood test to see if the antibiotic shot gave him a boost in his numbers or if we're facing an unrecoverable decline.

Since his FIV+ status has not been an issue - absolutely no symptoms - and his outward health has been great, I had really put the immune deficiency situation out of my mind. His weight is good and he has actually gained a bit over the last 10 months.

My "veterinary experience" has really been focused on kidney failure and geriatrics, but I'm trying to educate myself. I've read that his numbers are nearing, but not yet at, the "6 month point". It all depends on his eating and ability to avoid catching a cold or other infection.

It's a very sad situation for both Jerry and me as we've grown quite fond of him. I hope that he is able to maintain a comfortable "lifestyle" for a good while.