Friday, October 9, 2009

Swine Flu ... Day Five

So the first thing I should mention is that when you hear public officials and news anchors describe H1N1 as "just a mild version of the regular flu" you should realize they are COMPLETE IDIOTS.

That said, the first AND second times I experienced symptoms I would have said the same thing. Little did I know that these were just a prelude to the real deal ... third time's the charm, I guess.

I'll give a brief run-down in case any of you are curious. It started on Labor Day weekend, when I developed a strange aching side/stomach and low-grade fever that Sunday & Monday. I felt like a dog, but it was over quickly enough.

The following weekend it was back with a vengeance. Saturday, Sunday and Monday featured body aches and fever followed by three days of congestion. Again, I'm thinking my immune system is so strong that I've "knocked it out". I never even considered H1N1 because my fever never got much over 101.

During each episode, I was careful to avoid meetings/people until I had been fever-free for at least 24 hours. I did have several hard weeks of work and I really thought that the reason I felt so EXHAUSTED was work!

Last weekend, I walked with Ed and Hope in the Komen Race for the Cure, we all went to a black tie event Saturday night. I felt fine. Brady & Jeff came over on Sunday morning and we did a bunch of stuff and I felt fine. Then Sunday evening I knew something was wrong, but it was different the third time around.

By Monday morning I was really ill. High fever and just feeling terrible. Went to Doctor on Tuesday morning with fever of 102.3 ... they ran a "swab test" and told me I tested positive for Type A Influenza and that they weren't testing for H1N1 any more because the test took too long and the CDC has said that almost every case of Type A is actually SWINE.

They called in my Tamiflu prescription and told me to:
  • go straight home and avoid contact "with any humans" until Monday
  • alternate 2 Advil with 2 Tylenol every 6 hours and do not miss a dose
  • try to rest.
I asked about Jerry and they said it was "too late for him". I'm amazed he hasn't gotten sick! I'm here at DAY FIVE and I do feel better, although I am no where near what I could call "well". I have high hopes that there will be a miracle over the weekend.

Jerry and I are headed to Galveston tomorrow morning to move everything around in preparation for roof replacement on our building starting Monday. Yes, we still have missing exterior walls downstairs.

So there you have it. If you suddenly feel ill and start running a temperature, go to the doctor and get your Tamiflu. It will help you feel better, but it's not a cure-all.

Through the Eyes of a Child

Last Sunday, Jeff and Brady came over to visit Grandpa and GrrrNan. We had a big time! Brady demonstrated his modified "downward dog" pose that he practices each day with Jeff.

He played "ticka ticka" with Elvis, before El lost patience with the whole situation.

And, being a Brewer boy, he made his first visit to a sports bar! Champps Americana welcomes kids and we were there VERY EARLY ~ before the football aficionados arrived.

Next stop was the Galleria. We walked into the mall over by Nordstrom and Brady looked up and said ... "WOW!"

My sentiments, exactly!

He LOVED the little kiosk displaying the battery operated, barking/meowing/squeaking stuffed animals. He REALLY loved the Adidas store, where he bought a new ball and encountered mannequins for the first time. After some convincing, he agreed to stand near them but remained a little leery.

The Build-A-Bear Workshop was a HUGE source of entertainment, even though we did not purchase a bear. It was fascinating to see all of the "bear parts" you can buy for large sums of money.

We shopped in Gymboree, while Brady sat in special kid chairs and watched a cartoon video. We rode escalators MANY MANY times. Then it was getting to be nap time. This photo was his last ride down the escalator & he was so tired, Jerry had to carry him!

And THEN, we went home and several hours later ... I got the swine flu!