Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Celebrations Continue ...

Saturday after Christmas we visited with Ed & Hope ... no photos but great burgers! On Sunday, the Dallas Brewers came over to celebrate with us, Norma & Bob and the Pearland Brewers. Fun was had by all!

Norma & Bob ...

Brady building tower after tower with cousin Zach and (engineer) Uncle Jason

Zach and Jason creating a new design ...

Luke and Uncle Jeff taking a Nintendo DS break from the action.

Nerf-darts are a BIG hit with this crowd! Luke and Zach are dueling it out.
Melissa and Zach in hand-to-hand combat.

Two against one with Luke & Zach pelting an un-armed Jason.

Zach's birthday is December 30th and we gave him his present early. You can see that it was taken over by the adults (if you could call us that). Here's Jason under fire from Melissa while trying to escape on the PlasmaCar.
Zach trying to get his birthday present back!

Christmas Day - Part Two

Brady had a blast on Christmas Day and we had fun watching him. At 2+ years old, he "gets it" this year. Here's a photo of some little house shoes we got him ... love the aligators!

Modeling his new shoes and opening his next present from Grandpa and Grandma Nan. Disregard that gash on his head ... it was just a little rough play with his cousins. Never a good idea to try to catch books being thrown down a staircase - they're not as easy to catch as a ball.

Two words ... choo-choo!

Playing with his present from the Cains & Wallers

Helping Daddy open his presents. Jeff gets boring stuff - like CLOTHES!

Showing Grandpa his new tool bench.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day - Part One

Jerry and I had a nice, Christmas morning and evening - seen here. Spend the middle of the day at Jeff & Kim's house with Brady and Christmas is a BIG DEAL to a 2 year old!

Here's Ike snoozing by the fire. New fireplace being enjoyed by ALL!

Little hanging out by the fire while Jerry was opening his presents on Christmas Eve. I think the fact that he's still here is our own Christmas miracle!

Christmas Eve

Spent Christmas Eve with Mary, Kent, Toni, Ray & Little Memphis. It was fun to watch him experience his first Christmas & we had delicious baked ham and everything to go with it.

Here's Mom opening a present ...

Ray helping Memphis with a gift.

He's getting the hang of it!

Here's Dad opening one of his presents ...

They Only Made One ...

The Sunday before Christmas, Jerry and I headed out to celebrate what would have been our friend Dennis' 67th Birthday. It's hard to believe he has been gone over 7 years - he was an original, that's for sure!

First stop was breakfast at the Tel-Wink Grill ... possibly the best hash-browns in the city.

Next stop was a visit to Forest Park - Lawndale to place poinsettias on his grave. Didn't think you'd want to see photos of that, so here are a few lovely shots of angels. We miss Dennis!

Merry Christmas to Us!

Our pretty tree ...

Our gift to ourselves was a remote controlled "barbie fireplace". We're probably the last people on earth to get gas logs installed, but these things ROCK! We've used our fireplace more in the last 2.5 weeks than we have in 9 years. Bring on the cold weather!!

Ike continues to integrate into our household & is so well behaved. The other boys are curious about him, but since he doesn't make any moves towards them they're OK with him hanging around with us while we're watching TV.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Let it Snow!

History was made on Friday, December 4th, when the earliest snowfall was recorded in Houston and across southeast Texas. Not only was it the earliest snow ever, it was the 2nd year in a row that Houston saw flakes fly!

Can't see it in this photo, but there ARE snowflakes falling ...

Little - who has been around to have seen just about everything - took it all in stride. He took a nice walk and then came in to dry off and nap in his heated bed.

Elvis couldn't figure out what was getting on his fur coat.

Denny was very excited ... looking around with the wind whipping his tail in the air!

Ike thought it was strange and was pretty happy to return to his warm and safe room. No photo of Ike since he wasn't on a leash.

Very little snow accumulated, but it was great fun to see it fall!

Another short clip:

Babysitting Brady

Saturday night, Jerry & I went to Pearland to spend the evening with Brady while Jeff & Kim had "date night". It was loads of fun.

Here's Brady (& Jeff) waiting in the cold for Grandpa's arrival

"Outside" is a BIG DEAL for Brady. We played with the dogs and on the swing.

After thawing out a bit, we needed to go back outside ... this time to the front yard. Grandpa introduced a new game called "throw the ball over the tree".

Hmmm ... that didn't work out as planned. What should we do?

Good idea Brady ... let's throw the other ball into the tree to knock the first one out.

Uh oh ... that didn't work out too well either.

Let's comb Grandpa's hair ...

Now that's we've had "pizza pizza" for dinner, let's climb on Grandpa ...

More wrestling ...

Sweet Brady giving hugs.

Then up for more climbing and sliding on Grandpa. (click the play button to see the video clip) It was fun and Jeff & Kim enjoyed their movie.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Face of Gratitude

My list of things to be grateful for would not be complete without including Ike. No, not the hurricane ... although Hurricane Ike is the reason I'm grateful for Ike the Cat.

Everyone knows the story of how my friend Cindy and I threw this ragged, homeless cat into a carrier and drove him back to Houston a day before the storm surge covered the Island, but not everyone knows ABOUT Ike.

We have reasons to be grateful for him, but the most interesting thing about him is how grateful he is to us and how trusting he is. From the minute we locked him in the carrier, he knew to trust us.

He must have been terrified when I left him at the vet. He was locked in a cage, in the dark with no electricity and a horrible hurricane raging outside. I can't even imagine what was going through his little mind, but he was grateful to be alive. When the vet opened after the storm, I drove around downed trees and power lines to pick him up. We let him live on the back patio and in the garage ... gave him food and water and a litter box. He was grateful and did not ever make a mess.

After a few weeks, we bought him a bed. The next day, he was sleeping in his new bed ... grateful for a soft place to rest for the first time in his life. He slept so hard when he first came here. Living on the streets, he'd never been able to relax. Shortly after the bed, I gave him a toy mouse to keep him company in the garage. "Mousy" stayed in his bed untouched.

It snowed last December and I couldn't get the garage warm enough, so that was Ike's time to move into the house. I trimmed his nails, gave him a bath, blew his fur dry, set up his bed and litter box and he's been a perfectly behaved cat ever since. He loves "his room" and, after some lessons, he started to play with a little toy ball. The game has now extended to chasing Mousy and his personality has really bloomed.

It's been interesting to watch him change from a scared, homeless cat into a VERY grateful member of our little zoo. THIS is the face of gratitude!

A Thanksgiving Announcement ... it's TWINS!

Jeff & Kim are having TWINS ... it's a double miracle! The due date is June 18, but they'll likely arrive in May. It's hard to tell what's going on in these ultra-sound photos, but here they are.

Here's Brewer Baby #1

Here's Brewer Baby #2

Thinking of Thanksgiving ... and a ROOF & WALLS!

After listening to me complain about insurance, FEMA, contractors, etc. I know that none of you would believe this without seeing it. Today I am SO GRATEFUL that there is a roof on #3 Dana Drive ... rated to Dade County standards to withstand 155 mph winds! It looks fantastic and they only caused minimal damage inside while installing it ... ;)

The REALLY BIG NEWS is that we have exterior walls. Yes, WALLS. Made of stucco-looking hardy-plank and even though they're painted primer blue at the moment, they're well on the way to finishing!
Everything has been replaced around the front porch ...

Of course, we had some original stucco left on the front & some of the missing bits had already been replaced, but we now have walls on the bay side! YES, the place is actually secured! Now all we have to do is replace the new sheetrock in the storage room that's already molded from the missing exterior walls and we are finished. I'm not going to attach a photo of the mold because I'm focused on gratitude and these funky blue walls are making me VERY HAPPY!
This is the back corner of our townhouse ... attached to #4

Back view of our townhouse. They had to take down the lattice work & gate, but they'll put it back when they finish with the painting. Next up is landscaping!!

Thinking of Thanksgiving ... and Brady

I'm grateful for all the grandkids, but I'm especially grateful that Brady lives nearby and we are getting to see him grow up. He LOVES his Grandpa!

Jeff & Kim cooked us dinner on Sunday and we had a great time. Checking out his new "big boy bed" and some cool toys in his room. Actually the funniest thing was watching Brady leading Jerry through the upstairs rooms, each rattling mascara in their MaryKay boxes and chanting "march, march, march". Sooooo sorry that video clip didn't turn out!

Playing trains with Grandpa ...

Lots of fun playing with trains.